Game story (10 pager)

Sword ultimate fighterz max triple R the third base concept is about the best warriors throughout time are brought to the place far away in time and space to fight for their freedom and ability to wish for anything that they want. They have all been brought here to fight because they are the best sword fighter in that time period or dimension. The rule is if you die in the competition you are erased from time itself, do whatever you need to win. I would like the story to follow a crusader who has been blessed by his god with immense fighting skills and holy powers who was forcibly brought to this place away from time far away in space as he is going through something like this for the first time. Reacting to the different competition as he tries to find out who has been taking people from their timelines and why they are doing it, essentially the person or being behind the curtain of this whole tournament. The person who set all this up and main antagonist is the vessel for which the universe speaks through who has been granted the powers of time and space. In reality she was a scientist who discovered what was at the end of space and because of finding out this forbidden knowledge the universe used her as a vessel. However even though she is the main antagonist she isn’t really revealed till the end. Until then the antagonist for most of the game is the best sword fighter of the 31st century who uses his technology as an advantage against the other fighters. Itll be shown pretty quickly that he’s really just misunderstood and comes off as an asshole when in reality he isn’t. I plan at the end of them to band together to defeat the vessel for the universe essentially cheating at the game. The story is silly and basic and dumb but all fighting game stories are, I mean who even plays them unless a character is locked behind it.

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