Controls/character (10 pager)

To start off for ease for me I will be referring to the buttons of the controls as if it were on a ps4/5 controller (also side note, the controls will obviously be able to be remappable since people like to do it and so do I). X is for Kick, Square is your slash, Triangle is your heavy slash, Circle is your disarm attack, L1 is the yell, the dpad/left thumbstick is your movement/jump/inputs however jump and dash can be mapped to a button if wanted, R1 is your throw but it can also be inputted with slash and heavy slash button. Each character would have different moves/movesets that would require different inputs for their abilities for example the main crusader guy has holy cross which is inputted with quarter circle forward (assuming he is facing left) and slash to send out a fireball essentially. Most of the inputs would be quarter-circle movements, Z movements and half circle movements. I’ll talk about the two characters I have the clearest in my mind which are the Crusader and 31st century man. For the crusader he has a standard moveset since he will be the front of the box easy character to play. He has a fireball type move for an easy ranged attack; he has a dp (dragon punch (invulnerable move)) which is called holy defense allowing him to do an upward slash getting off the ground slightly with a ray of ‘’holy light’’ on him. He also has ray of light which he casts the holy light above another character burning them if they aren’t blocking. His ultimate moves are level one special maximum holy fireball which is a big, ranged cross in a ball of blue fire. His level two super is might of God which is a short, ranged slash attack to start up which leads into a cutscene of him being imbued with the full might of God beefing him up as white lights protrude from his eyes almost making him monster like as he hits you with a huge sword attack. His design is that of normal crusader looking armor however his sword is an Excalibur looking type of sword maybe it just is Excalibur. His helmet never comes off. Now for the 31st century man he has laser slice which is a projectile attack that covers the complete bottom of the screen allowing you to jump it. Laser sword grab which the sword wraps around you and at this stance he can either pull you closer to him or shock you for damage. This move is a grab so blocking will not help you here. His last special move is portal which he opens a portal with his sword and hits you as he exits it. His ultimate moves are: 31st century technology which imbues his sword with a more chaotic glow lasting for 15 seconds in which it does more damage and allows for longer combos than able to before. His level two move is “You are no match for this type of technology” Which has his laser sword wrap around you keeping you in a bind as he calls down his mecha suit to pick you up and throw you into the closest sun. His design is someone completely decked out in future tech except his glasses which look normal, he has spiked up black hair with a blue streak and a black jacket with lasers highlighting the outline of it. He’s a bit of a mechanist so he’d have like a futuristic toolbelt as well as like maybe those clunky black pants that mechanics wear for their overalls.

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